
All our customers have the benefit of the manufacturers’ warranty, which is usually 2 years.

This warranty excludes defects caused by negligence, improper use, handling or normal wear and tear.

This warranty excludes any loss of functionality due to manufacturing limitations of the goods.

If the manufacturer confirms a manufacturing fault, it will be replaced or repaired, depending on the customer. Shall any of those option be impossible or disproportionate, the customer shall be able to choose between discount or contract withdrawal.

If, according to the aforementioned section, the customer chooses contract withdrawal and product return, DOOPSHOP.COM shall refund the full price of the product, including the total shipping costs. Termination shall not be appropriate when based on minor lack of conformity.

The customer shall inform DOOPSHOP.COM of the lack of conformity no later than 2 months after learning of it, being responsible for all the costs due to late notification.

For the return of warranted products, please check our Return and Replacement section.


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